Reviews, summaries & guidelines
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- Reviews, summaries & guidelines
On this page
Secondary evidence (often called 'pre-appraised') has been selected, appraised and summarised by experts.
Use the resources on this page to locate high-quality, current evidence that is clinically relevant.
Looking for primary evidence such as original studies, RCTs or case reports? Go to our Databases page
Systematic reviews
Campbell Collaboration
An international social science research network that produces open and policy-relevant evidence syntheses, plain language summaries and policy briefs.
Cochrane Library
Contains the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews and Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL).
Epistemonikos is a collaborative, multilingual database of health evidence. It is the largest source of systematic reviews relevant for health-decision making.
Clinical search tools
Cochrane Clinical Answers
Using a question and answer format, CCA translates Cochrane reviews into practical recommendations to inform point of care decision-making.
This database allows you to search a wide range of summarised and appraised evidence to inform your practice. Includes: evidence based recommended practices, evidence summaries, best practice information sheets, systematic reviews and protocols, consumer information sheets, and technical reports.
A searchable database of best evidence from the health care literature of particular interest to nursing professionals.
Requires free registration (when asked for PubMed outside tool - search Austin Health Sciences Library)
PubMed Clinical Queries
A search interface to find citations in the areas of clinical study categories, systematic reviews and medical genetics.
Provides a cumulative, searchable database of recent journal article citations, with links to their abstracts, and ratings of their relevance and importance in the rehabilitation literature.
Requires free registration (when asked for PubMed outside tool - search Austin Health Sciences Library)
Trip Database
Clinical search engine that simultaneously searches evidence-based sources of systematic reviews, practice guidelines and critically appraised topics and articles.
Evidence-based guidelines to assist referring physicians and other providers in making the most appropriate imaging or treatment decision for a specific clinical condition.
Austin Health Clinical Toxicology Guidelines
Designed to detail the risk assessment and initial management of many common poisonings and envenomations.
Australian Clinical Practice Guidelines
The Guidelines Portal provides a single entry point for access to clinical practice guidelines developed for use in Australian health care settings.
Cancer Council Australia - Clinical Guidelines Network
Includes guidelines developed by Clinical Oncology Society of Australia, Australian Adult Cancer Pain Management Guideline Working Party, and Cancer Council Australia.
eTG - Therapeutic Guidelines
Written principally for prescribers to provide clear, practical, succinct and up-to-date therapeutic information for a range of diseases.
NICE Guidance
Evidence-based recommendations from the UK, developed by independent committees and consulted on by stakeholders.
Appraised topics
Evidence based information on all aspects of solid organ transplantation, includes expert reviews of articles, guideline appraisals and relevant randomised controlled trials (RCTs) and systematic reviews.
Systematic reviews, RCTs and health economic evaluations on all aspects of transfusion medicine, includes expert clinical commentaries on selected studies.
Appraised articles
This journal screens the top 100+ clinical journals and identifies studies that are methodologically sound and clinically relevant. An enhanced abstract and commentary are provided for each article.
"Evidence-Based" journal series
From the BMJ Group, the 'Evidence-based' series contain primary research articles selected for quality and clinical relevance. Includes titles such as Evidence-Based Medicine, and Evidence-Based Nursing.