

In this section, you can find the following information:

Austin Health's excellent teaching reputation, new facilities and consistent high scores in clinical examinations have made it a top choice for new graduates from medicine, nursing and allied health.

The Clinical Education Unit (CEU) is responsible for clinical education governance at Austin Health within a Best Practice Clinical Learning Environment.

The CEU has three pillars of education:

  • Allied health
  • Medicine
  • Nursing

Each pillar has a leader who is responsible for day to day education as well as ensuring the workforce is well positioned to meet the National Safety and Quality in Health Service Standards.

This integrated approach to education and training aims to ensure that Austin Health has knowledgeable, skilled staff which is reflected in the quality of care to our patients.

Education provider affiliations

Austin Health is affiliated with education providers from both higher education and the vocational education and training sector. These affiliations span from entry level to practice to postgraduate education and training across all clinical disciplines.