Entry to Practice Program for nursing students
Scope of practice
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- During your placement
- Scope of practice
All Entry to Practice nursing students who undertake a clinical placement need to recognise that their previous learning in the university environment and in other clinical settings will need to be adapted to working within the clinical environment areas of acute, subacute and community placements
Understanding your scope of practice
Prior to commencement of placement, it is expected that you will have a clear knowledge of your scope of practise and act within that scope. It is the responsibility of each individual student to demonstrate knowledge of their learning objectives for placement.
You will need to demonstrate proactivity and initiative in the achievement of your learning objectives and the clinical learning opportunities that arise within the placement period. If a student is not meeting these expectations the placement coordinator will be made aware.
Scope of practice can be divided into the professions scope and the individual’s scope.
Professional scope of practice
Professional scope of practice is “the full spectrum of roles, functions, responsibilities, activities and decision-making capacity that individuals within that profession are educated, competent and authorised to perform."
Individual's scope of practice
An individual’s scope refers to what the individual is considered competent, educated and authorised to perform within the clinical environment. The individual’s scope of practice in relation to undergraduate nurses is impacted by previous exposure from clinical simulation and clinical placements.
For example, a third-year undergraduate student may have learnt about tracheostomy management in clinical simulation but has had no exposure on placement. The student would therefore need support and demonstration by the RN (Registered Nurses) prior to being delegated the task.
Delegation of tasks and supervision
A RN must delegate all tasks to the student. The RN is ultimately accountable for all tasks they delegate. All undergraduate nursing students are to be supervised by a registered nurse, either directly or indirectly.
The table below provides guidance only to supervision.
Direct supervision |
Indirect supervision |
When the RN is present, observes, works with, directs and assesses the person being supervised (DHHS, 2014). | When the RN works in the same area as the supervised person (DHHS, 2014). |
Students are to be directly supervised for all invasive procedures/nursing interventions. | Students performing skills under indirect care are expected to discuss plans prior to and report findings/outcomes post providing care (ANSAT, 2018). |
Students are to be directly supervised for all invasive procedures/nursing interventions and when administering medications as per the Austin Health Medication Administration policy. This includes being supervised whilst in the medication rooms. | - |
Students are to be directly supervised when performing and receiving patient handover. As the patient is the ultimate responsibility of the RN. | - |