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Physiotherapy students
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- Physiotherapy students
Student supervision
Physiotherapy department staff from all levels of seniority provide clinical supervision.
The senior clinician for the sub-departments related to the particular clinical stream has overall responsibility for clinical education within that particular area.
Lectures, seminars and tutorials will be provided by senior physiotherapists within the specific area, from all physiotherapy departments across Austin Health sites.
While in clinical placements, students are allowed only those holidays taken by the physiotherapy department.
Punctuality is expected.
If unable to attend for reason of illness, bereavement or other urgent matters, students should contact their supervisor before the time the student is due to commence for the day. Phone the front desk on 03 9496 3070. A medical certificate must cover absence of more than one day at any one time.
Extended absence from clinical placements will need to be discussed with the supervisor and/or Associate Clinical Dean.
The agreed uniform must be worn at all times while involved in clinical work.
In rehabilitation, some flexibility in the uniform is normally acceptable (ie comfortable clothing).
Uniform must be clean, adequately ironed and mended at all times and in all other ways appropriate to a professional clinical setting including shirts being tucked in.
Identification badges
Identification badges must be worn at all times.
If your badge is lost, replacement badges are available at a cost of $15.
Failure to comply with this requirement may result in suspension from the clinical placement until the requirement is met.
Identification badges are required to gain entrance to student and toilet facilities within the Austin Hospital Tower.
Ward protocol
The Nurse Unit Manager (NUM) has the responsibility for the patients in the ward.
A good working relationship with ward staff is most important.
Respect the privacy of the patient and where appropriate make sure the screens are pulled around the bed.
At the Austin Hospital, lockers are available in the Education Precinct on level 4 of the Austin Tower. You will need to provide your own padlock.
This area also has a student common room, which you are encouraged to use, a number of tutorial rooms and a lecture theatre which is available for physiotherapy teaching.
At Royal Talbot Rehabilitation Centre, lockers are available in the Physiotherapy Department.
At Heidelberg Repatriation Hospital, lockers are available in the Allied Health Treatment Centre.
Privacy & confidentiality
Where appropriate, the supervising physiotherapist will seek the patient's permission to allow the students to observe or treat.
Any information about patients and their treatment given to a student as part of their clinical work, must be treated in the strictest confidence and discussed only with other health care professionals directly involved with that patient.
In case presentations, patients are identified by initials only (ie Mr G)
At the end of each visit to the clinical school in first year, there is a short debriefing session where you can discuss your experiences with your peers and supervisor.
Infection control
Prior to commencing clinical placements students must have been Hepatitis B immunised and TB tested and immunised if necessary.
Infection control is the responsibility of each member of the health care team. At Austin Health, use of 'DeBug' before and after treating each patient is mandatory and has proven to be the most effective means of controlling infection where hands are not visibly dirty, wash with soap and water when they are.
Patients requiring specific infection control procedures will be identified by notices placed on the door of their room.
At all times follow the stated procedures.
If you are unsure check with your supervisor or the ward staff.