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Domiciliary physiotherapy
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- Domiciliary physiotherapy
Service overview
While originally designed to meet the requests of Post Acute Care and Hospital in the Home, our service has expanded to include Community Link, NEDID, Rehab in the Home, Chronic Disease Management and other services.
As well as general debility, neurological and orthopaedic treatment, our physios are able to provide specialist cardiothoracic physiotherapy in the home.
Conditions seen include:
- Acute pneumonia
- Post-op respiratory failure
- Neuromuscular disorders
- Polio
- Other chronic respiratory conditions
We provide instruction to patients and carers on home O2 therapy, non-invasive ventilation and tracheostomy management as well as patient transfer and hoist techniques.
Physiotherapy role
We provide subjective and objective assessment of:
- Respiratory conditions
- Neurological conditions
- Orthopaedic problems
- Transfers and mobility, both indoors and outdoors
- ADLs, DADLs,
- Home environment, including access and cleanliness
We liase with the referring agency on the need for other services, ongoing care or follow-up appointments. We also liase with:
- Patient's GP or other Austin Health staff
- Allied health
- Oxygen Clinic
- O2 company
- Local pharmacist
A visiting physio monitors the patient post discharge to ensure safety. We assess and progress treatment accordingly and recommend readmission if a patient is failing at home.