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Child & youth mental health
Get help for a young person's mental health
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- Child & youth mental health
- Get help for a young person's mental health
What we do
You can call us if you are a young person needing help, a parent, or are concerned about the mental health of a young person aged 0-17.
You can use our service if the young person you are calling about lives in:
- Banyule
- Boroondara
- Darebin
- Nillumbik
- Whittlesea
- Yarra
You can access support 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. During business hours (9am-5pm, Monday to Friday), your call is put through to our Under 18 triage service. Outside these hours, your call is answered by the adult mental health service for your area.
You don't need to know which service you need help from before you call.
The young person does not need to be an existing client of Austin Health's Child and Youth Mental Health Service for you to call us.
If you need it, we may refer you to one of Austin Health's services or put you in touch with a mental health support service in the community. If it is an emergency, we will refer you to emergency services (police, ambulance and/or fire brigade).
What to expect
When you call, we will ask you some questions. These will include:
- Who the call is about
- Any details that you know about the person, such as their date of birth, phone number or address
- What is happening for the young person (the issue that has prompted you to call us)
- If the young person is at immediate risk of harming themselves or others
- Any other issues they may be experiencing (such as drug and alcohol issues, other health issues, or issues with family or school)
- For the contact details for their parent(s), if you are not their parent
We may also ask to speak to the young person directly, if you are calling on their behalf (and if this is appropriate).
We understand that you may be distressed or even angry at the time of your call, especially if you are calling during a crisis.
Please try to remain calm while answering our questions so that we can provide you with appropriate support as quickly as possible.
Depending on the nature of your call, we may provide counselling, support and advice to you during the call.
Related services
Contact us
Under 18 Triage
During business hours (9am-5pm, Monday to Friday)
Phone: 1300 859 789
Outside business hours
Please call the Mental Health triage number for the area where the young person lives:
North East Mental Health Service: 1300 859 789 (Banyule and Nillumbik)
Northern Mental Health Service: 1300 874 243 (Darebin and Whittlesea)
Inner Urban East Mental Health Service: 1300 558 862 (Boroondara and Yarra)
Child & Youth Mental Health Service
Edward Wilson Building
Austin Hospital
145 Studley Road
Heidelberg VIC
Postal address
Child & Youth Mental Health Service
Austin Hospital
PO Box 5555
Heidelberg VIC 3084