Clinics & services
Memory Clinic
CDAMS referrals
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- Cognitive Dementia and Memory Service (CDAMS)
- CDAMS referrals
Refer your patient
For internal referrals
Cerner for inpatients – HIP Community Programs
Phone: HIP Central Intake, Ext 2211, press 1
For community referrers
Cognition, Dementia and Memory Service (CDAMS)
Phone: 03 9496 2211
Fax: 03 9496 4337
Email :
Open hours: Monday to Friday 8am to 4:30pm
Find out more about referring your patient to our specialist clinic services.
Key information for referrers
People experiencing cognitive difficulties which include memory problems, confusion, behavioural changes or other changes in their thinking skills that may be associated with dementia, and require a diagnosis or an explanation, would benefit from attendance in the CDAMS clinic.
People of any age can attend; however, the clinic is predominantly focussed on memory problems and cognitive changes that may be associated with dementia.
Those where a diagnosis is already known would generally not be eligible for our service unless a specialist second opinion is required.
Clients with delirium or depression should receive treatment for these conditions before being assessed in the CDAMS clinic.
The service can assist with urgent needs, please contact Clinic Coordinator on 9496 2596 to discuss if urgent assessment is required. A recent onset of cognitive decline (last few days or weeks) requires urgent assessment and referral to ED.
Younger clients whose memory problems are in the context of stress, anxiety, depression or psychiatric conditions would best be referred after these factors have been excluded via GP, psychology or psychiatry.
Our catchment area
Distance from Austin Health is not a barrier for clients attending centre-based services, however we encourage referral to the clients nearest service.