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COVID: For Liver Transplant Unit patients
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- COVID: For Liver Transplant Unit patients
We’re here to support the community through the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. We have processes in place to safely assess, test and manage people who may have the virus and to keep our staff, patients and visitors safe.
Find out more about COVID-19.
All clinic consultations will be conducted via telephone or Telehealth until further notice, unless it is necessary to see you in person for medical reasons.
You will receive a text message with instructions prior to your next appointment. Do not come to the clinic unless you are specifically instructed to do so.
If you have a fever or respiratory symptoms, do not come to the clinic.
Medication scripts or pathology request slips from Telehealth clinic reviews will either be mailed to you or delivered to Pharmacy/Pathology directly.
What to do if you feel unwell
If you think you might have COVID-10 or want advice about testing, call our COVID-19 hotline on 03 9496 6606.
Find out more about COVID-19.
You can get telephone advice from our transplant coordinators, Monday to Friday 8.30am - 5pm:
- Assessment Coordinator: 03 9496 5884
- Waiting List Coordinator: 03 9496 5975
- Post-transplant Coordinators: 03 9496 3972 or 03 9496 5321
- Liver Mass/Hepatoma Coordinator: 03 9496 5980
You can also get telephone advice from the liver transplant registrar (via our switchboard on 03 9496 5000) or you can contact your local GP.
If you are tested for COVID-19, let us know when and where you were tested.
Medication & tests
Immune-suppression medications may increase the risk of serious illness with the virus. These medications affect only one part of the immune system. The immune system has many different parts which are not affected by immune-suppression medications.
To keep your immune system healthy during this period, we suggest you exercise, get adequate sleep, reduce stress (whenever possible) and eat a healthy diet. Do not change or stop your medications without speaking to a doctor first.
Some recent evidence suggests that anti-inflammatory medications may be harmful if you become infected with COVID-19. These are a group of over-the-counter medications which include:
- Nurofen
- Brufen
- Voltaren
- Aspirin
If you are on aspirin prescribed by your doctor for heart or stroke problems, then continue using it.
Otherwise, we suggest you avoid these medications and only use paracetamol for pain relief. If unsure about any medications, call tthe Liver Transplant Unit for advice.
Accessing your medications
Medications that can only be dispensed by Austin Health can be posted to your home free of charge.
Order your medications at least 3 days ahead of time by calling Pharmacy on 03 9496 3181. If you are unsure what to do, contact your nurse coordinator.
Some community pharmacies deliver medications at a reduced rate. You should contact your local pharmacy to find out if they are offering this service. If they are, you should be eligible.
Blood tests
It is important that you continue to have your regular blood tests as instructed.
Scans and tests
For patients who live outside of Melbourne, we are arranging for scans and procedures to be done at a health service closer to your home.
If you already have something booked, we will let you know if it will be changed.
Liver transplant surgery
At present, all liver translant surgery is going ahead. We anticipate this to continue, but we'll let you know if anything changes.
Where to get more information
Contact Liver Transplant Unit reception on 03 9496 5353
We recommend referring only to reputable sources for information, such as:
- The Victorian Department of Health and Human Services
- Australian Government Department of Health
- World Health Organisation
- Transplantation Society of Australia and New Zealand (COVID-19 FAQs)
- Transplant Australia - have a series of videos for how to stay healthy during the Coronavirus Pandemic