Patients & visitors
Patients & visitors
Patients & visitors
Information to include in your complaint
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- Information to include in your complaint
Help us investigate your complaint quickly and efficiently.
The following information will help us to resolve your complaint.
Your name and contact details
Providing your name and contact details will help us to get in touch and help resolve the issue.
The key details
Be clear and factual about what went wrong, who was involved and when and where it happened. Dot points help to convey your information concisely.
Any relevant documents
Include any documents that may provide useful information about the complaint, for example, an appointment letter.
If you would like a response
Please let us know if you would like a response to your complaint.
Your preferred outcome
Explain the outcome/s you would like, for example:
- an explanation about what happened and why
- an apology
- access to treatment
- reimbursement or compensation
- a change in policy or practice to prevent future problems.
Tips for making a healthcare complaint
The Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care has a helpful video with some practical tips about making a healthcare complaint.