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High Risk Foot Service
High Risk Foot Service
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What we do
The High Risk Foot Service provides assessment and treatment for individuals with complex ulcers affecting the feet and active Charcots foot (neuroarthropathy).
The High Risk Foot Service can help patients with:
- Diabetes related foot ulceration
- Foot ulceration with infection, including osteomyelitis or cellulitus
- Other foot ulceration
- Suspected or confirmed Charcots foot (neuroarthropathy)
- Non-healing pressure injuries of the foot
Find out more about clinic times and bookings in Specialist Clinics.
What to expect
Patients can expect to receive either a clinic-based or telehealth appointment with the High Risk Foot Service team.
Our High Risk foot team is diverse and patients can expect to have interdisciplinary care targeted at addressing their foot condition. The team includes Podiatrist, Endocrinologist, Vascular Surgeon, Infectious Diseases Consultant, Orthopaedic Surgeon, Diabetes Nurse Educator, Orthotist, Psychologist and Dietitian. We work in partnership with patients to undertake a thorough assessment, provide a diagnosis and goal-orientated treatment plan.
Patients are welcome to invite a family member or carer to be present to help answer any questions.
Patients receive ongoing written and verbal correspondence to their referrer and GP regarding their individual needs.
What to bring
When you come to hospital for your appointment, you need to bring:
- Medicare card
- Health care card/concession card (if applicable)
- Private health insurance details (if applicable/if you want to use it)
- Adverse drug alert card (if you have one)
- X-ray films, scans, ultrasounds or any other test results or reports
- Medicines you need to take while you are here
- List of medicines you are currently taking (or the boxes) including herbal supplements and vitamins
- Glasses, hearing aid, walking frame (if applicable)
- Your blood glucose meter and log book
Related services
For patients
We accept referrals from all community-based health care providers including community podiatrists, GPs, and specialists.
For health professionals
Refer your patient to Samantha Hanna, Podiatry & High Risk Foot Service Manager.
Referrals should include a comprehensive medical history including medical problems, alerts, allergies, medications, recent investigations, imaging and test results.
Find out more about referring your patient.
For community referrers
Our preferred mode of referral is via email.
Urgent care
Urgent referrals including those at risk of imminent risk of limb loss or amputation should be directed to attend the Emergency department urgently. This may include patients:
- Who are systemically or acutely unwell due to foot infection (fever, rigors, vomiting, nausea)
- Who are rapidly deteriorating with ulceration/necrosis/cellulitus
- With acute critical limb ischemia
- With critical limb ischemia with necrosis, pain or ulceration
Contact us
Phone: 03 9496 2017
Fax: 03 9496 2409
Samantha Hanna
Podiatry & High Risk Foot Service Manager
Heidelberg Repatriation Hospital
190 Banksia St, Gate 10
Ivanhoe, VIC