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Diabetes Care Management & Assessment Service (DCAS)
Diabetes Care Management & Assessment Service (DCAS) referrals
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- Diabetes Care Management & Assessment Service (DCAS)
- DCAS referrals
Refer your patient
For internal referrals
Cerner for inpatients – HIP Community Programs
Phone: HIP Central Intake, Ext 2211, press 1
For community referrers
Diabetes Care management & Assessment Service (DCAS)
Phone: 03 9496 2211
Fax: 03 9496 4337
Email :
Open hours: Monday to Friday 8am to 4:30pm
Find out more about referring your patient to our specialist clinic services.
Key information for referrers
DCAS is a multi-disciplinary team which includes endocrinologists, diabetes educators, dieticians and access to other allied health practitioners, including a psychologist. Clinics are conducted weekly and an outreach service will soon be available to provide diabetes education & dietary advice and information in the community.
Our target population are adults with diabetes (type 1 or type 2, or steroid induced) who:
- are at imminent risk of ED presentation and/or admission, and/or
- have had an unplanned hospital admission in the past 12 months (for any reason), and/or
- require assistance to manage multiple complex issues/needs, ie have chronic, complex care needs, complex psycho-social and/or age-related needs.
DCAS includes diabetes nurse educator and dietician - these services are not available separately.
GP Referrals must include:
- Medical history
- Current medications list
- Blood tests less than 3 months old (pathology requirements – fasting glucose, lipids, HDL, HbA1c, LFT, UE, FBC, MSU, Spot urine alb/creat ratio)
Our catchment area
Distance from Austin Health is not a barrier for clients attending centre-based services, however we encourage referral to the clients nearest service.
Wait time
The current wait time for this service is 4 to 6 weeks from receipt of referral.