Clinics & services
Helping you stay active & well at home
Managing complex care
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- Helping you stay active & well at home
- Managing complex care
About us
We are a team of highly skilled complex care managers, with nursing and allied health backgrounds.
We work with people who have chronic and complex health issues who have had:
- At least one unplanned hospital admission or presentation to Austin Emergency in the last year
- Are at imminent risk of going to hospital, they live in the neighbouring suburbs of Austin Health and community services (including long term case managers) cannot meet their needs
We provide time-limited home-visit and phone support to enable clients to better manage in the community and reduce unnecessary hospital presentations and admissions.
We work closely with GPs, specialists and community agencies.
Our services
We provide the following services:
- Short term intensive support
- Comprehensive health assessment
- Integrated care planning and follow-up
- Service coordination
- Referrals to longer term community supports as required
Related services
For patients
You can refer yourself to this service by contacting the Health Independence Program.
Your GP, specialist or health practitioner can call us to organise for you to access this service.
For health professionals
You can refer your patient to this service by contacting the Health Independence Program.
Contact us
Health Independence Program
Phone: 03 9496 2211
Fax: 03 9496 4337
Open hours: Monday to Friday from 8.30am to 4.30pm (excluding public holidays)
Health & Rehabilitation Centre
Heidelberg Repatriation Hospital
Edwin Street, Gate 5
Ivanhoe VIC