Staff member in Cath Lab in scrubsStaff in scrubs in the Cath LabStaff in scrubs in the Cath Lab

Clinics & services

Breathing and sleep tests

Breathing and sleep tests

We perform tests to help your doctor find problems related to breathing and sleep.

Breathing tests

Respiratory function tests assess breathing by measuring lung capacity, airflow, and oxygen exchange. These tests aid in diagnosing respiratory conditions, monitoring treatment effectiveness, and optimising lung function.

Sleep studies

A sleep study, also called polysomnography, is a test that monitors your body functions while you sleep. Sensors placed on your body record sleep patterns, breathing, brain activity, and more. Specialists analyse the data to diagnose sleep disorders and develop treatment plans to improve sleep quality and overall health.


For patients

You need a referral from a GP or specialist to access this service.

For health professionals

You can refer your patient to our team of qualified adult sleep and respiratory medicine practitioners for a respiratory function test or sleep study.

If the patient is likely to have symptomatic, moderate to severe obstructive sleep apnoea and meets the criteria mentioned in the sleep study form, they may be eligible for a faster process.

Refer your patient using the request forms below.

If you would like a supply of requests, please email or

About Us

The Respiratory and Sleep Medicine Department offers a wide range of services to patients at Austin Health and the nearby community. We provide thorough care and support for breathing and sleep-related health concerns.

Contact us

Department of Respiratory and Sleep Medicine

Phone: 03 9496 3688

Fax: 03 9496 3723

Open hours: Monday to Friday 8am - 4.30pm


Level 5, Harold Stokes Building
Austin Hospital
145 Studley Road
Heidelberg Victoria

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Postal address

Department of Respiratory and Sleep Medicine
Austin Hospital
PO Box 5555
Heidelberg VIC 3084

Respiratory laboratory locations

Level 5, Harold Stokes Building
Austin Hospital
145 Studley Road
Heidelberg Victoria

Ground Floor, Grevillea Centre
Heidelberg Repatriation Hospital
300 Waterdale Road
Ivanhoe Victoria

Sleep laboratory locations

Department of Respiratory and Sleep Medicine
Austin Hospital
145 Studley Road
Heidelberg Victoria

Ward 5 West
Level 5, Austin Tower
Austin Hospital
145 Studley Road
Heidelberg Victoria