Older coupling walking down the streetOlder couple walking down the streetOlder couple walking down the street

Clinics & services

Aged Care and Rapid Access Clinics

Aged Care and Rapid Access Clinics

We provide geriatrician assessment and management for older people residing in the community with multiple medical problems.

What we do

Our clinics provide geriatrician assessment and management for older people including:

  • Managing complex physical, mental, and social issues
  • Comprehensive geriatric assessment
  • Optimising the management of multiple medical problems
  • Medication reviews

What to expect

  • A thorough assessment of an older person’s medical issues
  • 60 minutes for initial appointments and 30 minutes for subsequent reviews

What to bring

When you come to hospital for your appointment, you need to bring:

  • Medicare card and/or Pension/Healthcare cards
  • Recent results such as blood tests, X-rays, scans, or any other test results or reports
  • List of medicines you are currently taking (or the boxes) including herbal supplements and vitamins
  • Glasses, hearing aid, walking frame (if applicable)



For patients

Ask your GP, specialist or health practitioner to organise a referral to access this clinic. 

For health professionals

Find out more about referring your patient to our specialist clinic services.

For inpatient teams

Referral can be completed by the eM17 Specialist Clinics Referral Form. Select Aged Care Services in the Referring To section.

Contact us

Aged Care and Rapid Access Clinics

Phone: 03 9496 2065

Fax: 03 9496 2613


Associate Professor Michael Murray
Director of Geriatric Medicine


Aged Care Clinic

Tobruk Building
Heidelberg Repatriation Hospital
300 Waterdale Road
Ivanhoe VIC

Rapid Access Clinic

Health and Rehabilitation Centre
Heidelberg Repatriation Hospital
Edwin Street, Gate 5
Ivanhoe VIC

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