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Accessible parking at Austin Hospital
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- Accessible parking at Austin Hospital
Austin Health has a number of accessible car parks available for those who have an accessible parking permit, as well as a number of reserved car parks for people who use wheelchairs. These spots are in the Austin Tower car park.
If your vehicle is over-sized, there is availability for over-height vehicles in the Harold Stokes car park and outside of our Emergency Department.
To access wheelchair reserved car parks or car parks for over-height vehicles, you need to make a booking by calling the Car Parking Office on 03 9496 4512, or emailing
Commonly asked questions
Do I need to book if I want to use a wheelchair-only parking bay?
Patients and visitors who use a wheelchair are encouraged to book a wheelchair-only parking bay to ensure there is one available on the day of your visit. As there are a limited number of accessible car parks available in Austin Tower, we cannot guarantee one will be available unless a booking is made.
How do I book?
Contact the Car Parking Office on 03 9496 4512 (between 6.00am and 10.00pm) to reserve a wheelchair-only parking bay.
Where do I park?
Enter the car park via Studley Road for Austin Tower, or Burgundy Street for Harold Stokes building and Emergency Department parking.
Upon arrival to the Austin Tower, alert staff by pressing the intercom or calling 03 9496 4512. The car parking staff will escort you to your booked wheelchair-only parking bay.
Upon arrival to the Harold Stokes building alert parking staff by pressing the intercom or calling 03 9496 4512.
Upon arrival to the Emergency Department parking alert parking staff by calling 03 9496 4512.
Do I need to display my accessible parking permit?
Yes you do. Accessible parking permits must be displayed on all vehicles using accessible car parks.
Will there be any parking costs?
Yes. Any patients, visitors and staff who use the Austin Tower car park need to pay for parking. Concession parking is available for any patients or family members who qualify for this support.
Find out more about transport and parking, including concession parking.
Are additional accessible parking bays available?
There are many accessible car parking bays in the Austin Tower car park that you can use if you haven't booked a wheelchair-only parking bay.
Contact the Car Parking Office on 03 9496 4512 (between 6.00am and 10.00pm) to discuss your options.
I have an accessible parking permit but don't use a wheelchair. Can I book a parking bay?
No, these bays are for people who use wheelchairs only. There are many other accessible car parking bays in the Austin Tower car park.