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Hepatitis C treatment

Hepatitis C treatment

We provide quick and easy access to our Hepatitis C service. Treatment is simple and effective with a cure rate of 95%.

About us

Our Hepatitis C Outreach Service, together with the existing services available at Austin Health, are working towards the Australian target to eliminate Hep C by 2030.

We provide quick and easy access to Hepatitis C treatment.

Hepatitis C Cure - Live free from worry

Curing your hep C clears the virus from your body.

Reduces liver inflammation and can help reverse liver scarring, preventing serious liver disease.

Removes the worry of passing it on to friends and family.

There are now a range of new hep C treatments available that:

  • give you a 95%+ chance of cure
  • have minimal side-effects
  • usually take 8 or 12 weeks
  • are just pills (no injections)
  • are covered by Medicare, so are very low cost.

Our service

We provide:

  • quick and easy access to Hepatitis C treatment
  • face-to-face or telehealth appointments.

We will offer you an appointment within 30 days of receiving your referral and the required blood test results.

Our Liver Nurse is ready to assist you through this process.

Please note: telehealth requires access to a device with video call capacity and sufficient data.

Medicare card holders

If you hold a Medicare card:

  • appointments are bulk billed
  • pathology is bulk billed (Medicare criteria apply)
  • only the dispensing fee is charged (reduced for Healthcare Card) for medication.

The medication script can be filled at a community pharmacy or at the Austin Pharmacy. Austin Pharmacy offer express post for a small delivery fee.


For patients

Referral can be made by you, your GP or other medical professionals.

To discuss access, treatment or make an appointment contact our Liver Nurse:

Katherine Thomas
Clinical Nurse Consultant
Phone: 0481 909 741
Fax: (03) 9496 5883
Email: livernurses@austin.org.au

For health professionals

Please use the Hepatitis C referral form.

Referral criteria

Adult 18+ years, chronic hepatitis C, a detected Hepatitis C PCR, compensated cirrhosis

Please note: Treatment is not approved for use in pregnancy or during breastfeeding.

Referral exclusion

Decompensated cirrhosis or HIV co-infection: refer to Specialist Clinics