Discovery and Innovation Unit
The Discovery and Innovation Unit is the research regulatory unit that services the Austin-Mercy Health & Medical Precinct.
The precinct is comprised of:
Two health services
- Austin Health
- Mercy Health
Five medical research institutes
- Institute for Breathing and Sleep T/A Victorian Translational Research Institute (VicTRI)
- Parent-Infant Natal Research Institute (PIRI)
- Spinal Research Institute (SRI)
- Florey
- Olivia Newton John Cancer Research Institute (ONJCRI)
Two academic partners
- University of Melbourne
- La Trobe University
Each organisation at the Austin-Mercy Precinct is a member of the Victorian Translational Research Institute (VicTRI). One role of VicTRI is to provide robust data, reporting and oversight of research activities at the precinct. VicTRI does this in collaboration with the Discovery & Innovation Unit.
The role of the Discovery & Innovation Unit it to provide:
- Research oversight, including legal agreement review, sign off and management, ethical review and other reviews and approvals pertaining to research.
- Research governance and overall accountability, including National Clinical Trials Governance Framework.
Research Reporting, monitoring and management of risk based monitoring, research misconduct and integrity.
Our activities comply with the National Clinical Trials Governance Framework
Contact us: Log a request
Phone: (03) 9496 4090